Study in Holland College of Prince Edward Island
Holland College is located in Prince Edward Island, Canada. This college founded in 1969. Holland College is an internationally recognized leader in hand-on, skills based training. The College has gathered a reputed position among the higher education institutes of Canada and has educated more than 10,0000 students. Holland College has 5 campuses. There are a variety of full-time and part-time programs offered to students with 150 pathway programs. Holland College offers more than 65 programs on five main campuses and centres across the province. Programs offered are in Applied science, Atlantic Police Academy, Business, Computer Sciences, The Culinary Institute of Canada, industrial technology and trades, marine trading, school of performing arts, school of visual arts and journalism, sports and leisure and tourism. Holland College received CCAA Annual College award for the member institution, with the highest number of academics, among all Canadian Universities....